Monday, September 29, 2008


Janelle Monae is the equivalent of all things innovative in today's music industry as Lauryn Hill was to us and her as well. [Yeah I'm coining her as "1 of the Greats"] Janelle Monae aka Cyndi Mayweather hails from Kansas City, Kansas (not Atlanta) and you probably remember this doll baby from Outkast's Morris Brown video parlaying in the backseat of the Cadillac singing "Hey baby, hollering Hey baby."

What more can I say? She's a proclaimed "Alien from outer space, a cyber girl without a face," as one of the newest faces signed to Bad Boy Entertainment, Ms. Cyndi Mayweather seen on stage is like a ball of energy thrown from Goku mixed with Vegeta. Hands down her performance puts you in the mind of a lady version of Mr. 3 Stacks ... we'll just aka her LADY 3K for the moment!

Check LADY 3K out in the latest issue of GQ and her nouveau video down below, pure hauteness!

C.O.C.A Style Video: Janelle Monae - Many Moons