Monday, August 18, 2008


Enstrumental(one of the first people to actually do an Obama tee)

FASHION GEEK(my personal favorite Obama tee)

Power Head

Sons of Liberty

Public Library
With the democratic national convention just days away. We figured this was a good time to showcase what we considered the top five Obama t-shirt thus far. Since everybody and their mama is selling Obama t-shirts, its only right to show love to the few t-shirt lines that took the time to keep it COCA! We are not going to rank the order where they fall, because thats for the people to decide. Leave a comment let us know what you think.


GoGetter93 said...

i like the fashion geek, shirt that jeezy is rocking!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Am going with my girl New New. I would say that one is first, the power head shirt second,the fashion geek shirt third, the enstrumental one fouth and the sons of liberty last.

Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

of course i love the enstrumental joint the best b/c i promoted it lol

but nah - it is my favorite. gotta love the caricature - and drew got a pic wearing the shirt while shaking Barack's hand! epic...

Marci Alagio said...

I love the Powerhead joint!